Is spotware killing cTrader?

Created at 26 Nov 2018, 02:58
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Joined 05.02.2017

Is spotware killing cTrader?
26 Nov 2018, 02:58


This weekend I had one update on the system and unfortunately realised that I can't login anymore to accounts that are not linked to my cTrader ID.

i tried to contact my broker and ask for help, but there is no help. The only way is to tell the owner of the account to contact the broker and ask to link their account to my ID. But then they will not have access to their account anymore.. Thats ridiculous.

So somehow today I need to call the people I manage account for and tell them that I can't login anymore because Spotware decided that I cant... thats it..

So I am here trying to ask for help, is there something I can do?



26 Nov 2018, 14:06

Hi yoannes,

All brokers upgrading to 3.3 are migrated to what we call a Forced cTID version of cTrader. This means that traders cannot signing using their trading accounts anymore but only with their cTID. This is because cTID is required for all the cloud features of cTrader to work. Even though we do not advise users to share their trading account credentials, the new way of authentication does not exclude the option to continue operating as before. Account owners can link their accounts to a separate cTrader ID.

Best Regards,




26 Nov 2018, 14:44

Hi Panagiotis,

But if the user link their account to another cTrader ID they will not be able to open their account right? or it will be linked to both IDs?


26 Nov 2018, 15:25

Hi yoannes,

They will need to sign in to the other cTID to have access to the account.

Best Regards,

