Reducing cAlgo memory footprint
Reducing cAlgo memory footprint
12 Aug 2013, 16:50
I would like to deploy cAlgo on my VPS but the memory footprint seems to be about 300MB+ (according to task manager)
I have removed any charts so CPU usage is significantly lower than the same robots/indicators running in cTrader but i cannot work out any way to reduce the memory footprint
Any ideas ?
I see cAlgo has been launched with a "ClickOnce" mechanism - are there any options in here to request a lower startup memory footprint or something similar?
16 Aug 2013, 12:38
Robots not responding
This is kind of an extension to the original post:
I am running a VM with 6 virtual processors and 12 gb of ram so that I can run many (up to 15?) instances of cTrader.
The problem is that sometimes the robots show a status of "Not Responding" and are unavailable.
What do I need to consider? I need to run many robots on a single VM.
I look forward to your response.
16 Aug 2013, 17:57
If windows shows "Not Responding" for some process (cAlgo or cTrader) it usually means that there is not enough CPU time for the process. Please check CPU consumption.
13 Aug 2013, 12:14
We have tested cAlgo on small virtual PCs (600 MB of memory) and it works well.
To improve performance further you may simply avoid building and/or creating extra instances of unnecessary robots.