Optimisation - Major Issue

Created at 27 Sep 2018, 19:40
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Joined 05.02.2015

Optimisation - Major Issue
27 Sep 2018, 19:40

There could be a problem when running the optimisation module using cTrader v3.2

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run an optimisation on any symbol with a set volume
  2. Results are returned ok
  3. Stop the optimisation and change the volume
  4. Run optimisation again and the process stops immediately with no results
  5. Change the volume back to the original value
  6. Run optimisation again and the process stops immediately with no results
  • This has happened to me and a customer who reported it.
  • It does not happen to all symbols only a few. (EURGBP) (CADJPY)
  • Deleted backtestingCache folder contents, the problem still exists
  • Restarted platform and run the optimisation again and it works ok
  • If you run the steps above again the problem still exists

I have a customer who is also waiting for an answer.

Thank you.

Paul Hayes
Sales & Marketing
Phone: (44) 203 289 6573



28 Sep 2018, 10:16

Hi Paul,

Thank you for reporting this. We managed to reproduce the issue and we will fix it.

Best Regards,



04 Oct 2018, 10:30

Hi Paul,

The problem should have been fixed on Spotware Beta. Can you please check?

Best Regards,

