Trailing distance on Chart Scale %

Created at 03 Sep 2018, 09:32
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Joined 11.10.2016

Trailing distance on Chart Scale %
03 Sep 2018, 09:32

Dear Panagiotis,

there is a way in cBot to put automatically the Trailing Distance on a percentage of the Chart Scale.

TrailDist = 30% ChartScale

Thanks a lot for your attention



03 Sep 2018, 11:42

Hi mparama,

No it is not possible since the ChartScale information is not available via the API.

Best Regards,



03 Sep 2018, 16:10

RE: Thank you !

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi mparama,

No it is not possible since the ChartScale information is not available via the API.

Best Regards,


thanks anyway !
