alter positions only from a certain symbol

Created at 20 Aug 2018, 14:02
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Joined 25.06.2016

alter positions only from a certain symbol
20 Aug 2018, 14:02

i use 

foreach (vat position in Positions) 

to loop trough positions and execute on them.


is there a api based way to filter the positions by a certain Symbol only ? 


so the cAlgo would just edit/close/open posiitons on the selected Symbol and leave anything else alone ? 



20 Aug 2018, 14:07

Hi swingfish,

Here it is

            foreach (var position in Positions.Where(x => x.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code))



20 Aug 2018, 14:09

HOLY ! thats simple .. i use old fashion C# lists to solve that one ... 

thats alot more easy, thanks alot 


