One question about the client accounts expecting to rise and to fall

Created at 31 Jul 2018, 15:47
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Joined 11.07.2017

One question about the client accounts expecting to rise and to fall
31 Jul 2018, 15:47

On the center top of a chart, there are two bars, one green and other red.
The red one says  X % of client accounts with open positions in this symbol expects the price to fall and the green is those to rise.

How in code I get that information?

It does not belong to the my Account class. I guess it should be in the Server class. But it is not public.​

How I get it? I did not find a way.


31 Jul 2018, 15:50

Hi Lavio,

This information is not available currently via the cTrader Automate API.

Best Regards,


31 Jul 2018, 16:02

And will it never be?
It could be very usefull for a strategy.


31 Jul 2018, 16:10

Hi Lavio,

It is not in our immediate plans. However we can consider this in the future.

Best Regards,


31 Jul 2018, 21:50

And what does make an idea to be "in our immediate plans"?

I have noticed a lot of suggestions in the foruns. Some are good. But... 

It is a pity. I think CTrader is the best plataform to manual usage. But, if you want to program robots... and this means a lot of backtesting and optimization based on reliable data, it is not so good.

The optimization is weak. Why do not you focus on this issue?

A * very important * optimizing feature is that one you find in other plataforms ... I do not remember now how they call it and I am trying to remember exacly how it works ... you take a piece of past data, optimize the robot and WALK backtesting forward applying the best optimization to see the result... then do this in a loop, stepping over the past to the present. This gives you a real overview on how an optimization works in a relative future.

Also, you say it is a "genetic algorithm". But I do not see any genetic about it. It seems to be just random paramenter choices. If it has any algorithm it seems to be very superficial when compared with the ones used in Ninja, for example. Why do not you make it better? It is quit obvious it needs to.
