ChartObjects during backtesting

Created at 01 Apr 2018, 10:18
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Joined 14.11.2012

ChartObjects during backtesting
01 Apr 2018, 10:18

I am trying to render a chart object during backtesting but can't get it to work. i am using the following code:


ChartObjects.DrawVerticalLine("LINE" + MarketSeries.OpenTime[MarketSeries.Close.Count-1], MarketSeries.OpenTime[MarketSeries.Close.Count-1], Colors.Blue, 1, LineStyle.Solid);


Can someone explain why that does not work?


01 Apr 2018, 14:29

I was about to ask the same thing....


02 Apr 2018, 10:11

Hi lec0456,

Drawing chart objects is not available in backtesting. This feature will be added in a future version.

Best Regards,


