New features

Created at 12 Feb 2018, 00:40
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Joined 29.03.2015

New features
12 Feb 2018, 00:40


I just have to ask, all the new features that you are promosing in the upcoming releases. When are they to be released.

There is plenty of features that you have stated to be implemented in future releases. However i can not see any road map or any upcoming release info regarding this. 

I few I found in the forums is:

  • Mouseclick events (to get chart data)
  • Draw forms (rectangle / triangles)
  • Renkobars.

Renkobars are interessting since you say on the white paper you have that chart available already, but I cant find it from any of the brokers I've used /seen?


Or to you plan to implement all features ever requested without an ETA of inifinity?

In my world, promising features and then, 4 years later still no ETA on that feature is not very serious!






12 Feb 2018, 08:18

My estimate is that it is the founder(s) that control the core development. 

They might have had great ambition and vision to begin with. But now more serious by the book Prince2/Agile etc kinda approach is required, which is clearly lacking.

There are no deadlines and priorities gets changed on the fly. In addition, this is a very large complex software suite, and perhaps they are just spread too thin. 
