No chart

Created at 13 Jan 2018, 11:20
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Joined 30.09.2017

No chart
13 Jan 2018, 11:20


I have no chart

Suddenly deleted

15 Jan 2018, 10:58


Thanks for reporting this issue. Can you please tell us if you took any specific action for this to happen and if you can consistently reproduce it? When it happens again then I advise you to send some troubleshooting information to our Quality Assurance team. You can achieve that by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T and then pressing the "Submit" button on the form that will pop up. In the message area please paste a link of this discussion as well so that the QA team can associate the report with the issue. 

Best Regards,


16 Jan 2018, 07:51


Panagiotis Charalampous said:


Thanks for reporting this issue. Can you please tell us if you took any specific action for this to happen and if you can consistently reproduce it? When it happens again then I advise you to send some troubleshooting information to our Quality Assurance team. You can achieve that by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T and then pressing the "Submit" button on the form that will pop up. In the message area please paste a link of this discussion as well so that the QA team can associate the report with the issue. 

Best Regards,



I dont  any action for this happening​

But suddenly it was true​
