How to install "cAlgo" on Windows Server 2016?

Created at 16 Nov 2017, 05:11
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Joined 15.11.2017

How to install "cAlgo" on Windows Server 2016?
16 Nov 2017, 05:11

I wanted my automatic transaction to run for 24 hours, so I bought a Alibaba virtual cloud server, and I wanted to install cTrader and cAlgo on it. My foreign exchange provider is IC Markets, and when you install it, both cTrader and cAglo go wrong, as shown in the diagram below. What should I do?


16 Nov 2017, 11:50

Dear g61232,

Thanks for posting in our forum and letting us know about the issue. Can you please send us the log so that we can check what the problem might be? Please send it at

Best Regards,

