HowTo: cBot and custom Indicators in one Git Repository?

Created at 15 Nov 2017, 16:04
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HowTo: cBot and custom Indicators in one Git Repository?
15 Nov 2017, 16:04

Hi all,

At the Moment I am integrating custom Indicators in my current cBot Project. I am using VS with Git for Sourcecontrol and am currently running into the Problem of managing Indicators and Bot in one Git Repo...

To straighten Things out.

> I have my cBot under Sources/Robots/myBot as Headdirectory in my Git Repo.

> I have my Indicators und Sources/Indicators/myIndicators and want to add them to Versioncontrol.


As of now I only have the Reference to the Indicators im my cBot Solution so it can compile but have not found a way to integrate the Indicators to the Git Repo...

Any Hints or Ideas?



