Were to put my email referense in calgbot to get alarm alarm

Created at 06 Nov 2017, 11:53
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Were to put my email referense in calgbot to get alarm alarm
06 Nov 2017, 11:53


try to get  email notice.... daily close is above /below 20 ema shift 5 ,  so this line below somwhere, have tried difrent some time i get notice in eternity but i want.one mail when accour what i want... mail pref is OK..




this my email line....

Notifications.SendEmail("conny.xxxxx@gmail.com", "conny.xxxxx@gmail.com", "Daily alarm", "OrderTime");


AND here is the rest , done in quant

//+                           Code generated using FxPro Quant 2.1.4 |

using System;
using System.Threading;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
   [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC)]
   public class Prototype : Robot

      public int _Daily_Close_Now_or_Then { get; set; }
      public string _PAIR { get; set; }
      public bool _CLOSE_O_o_U_EMA_20_SHIFT { get; set; }

      //Global declaration
      private ExponentialMovingAverage i_4H_EMA_20_close;
      private ExponentialMovingAverage i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5_2;
      private ExponentialMovingAverage i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5;
      private ExponentialMovingAverage i_4H_EMA_20_close_2;
      double _Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5_2;
      double _Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5;
      bool _New_bar;

DateTime LastTradeExecution = new DateTime(0);

      protected override void OnStart()
         i_4H_EMA_20_close=Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.GetSeries(_PAIR, TimeFrame.Hour4).Close, 20);
         i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5_2=Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.GetSeries(_PAIR, TimeFrame.Daily).Close, 20);
         i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5=Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.GetSeries(_PAIR, TimeFrame.Daily).Close, 20);
         i_4H_EMA_20_close_2=Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.GetSeries(_PAIR, TimeFrame.Hour4).Close, 20);


      protected override void OnTick() 
         if (Trade.IsExecuting) return;

         //Local declaration

         //Step 1
         _Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5_2 = i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5_2.Result.Last(0);
         _Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5 = i_Daily_EMA_20_Ma_Shift_5.Result.Last(0);
         _New_bar = __isNewBar(false);

         //Step 2

         //Step 3


bool NoOrders(string symbolCode, double[] magicIndecies){if (symbolCode == "")symbolCode = Symbol.Code;string[] labels = new string[magicIndecies.Length];for (int i = 0; i < magicIndecies.Length; i++){labels[i] = "FxProQuant_" + magicIndecies[i].ToString("F0");}foreach (Position pos in Positions){if (pos.SymbolCode != symbolCode)continue;if (labels.Length == 0)return false;foreach (var label in labels){if (pos.Label == label)return false;}}foreach (PendingOrder po in PendingOrders){if (po.SymbolCode != symbolCode)continue;if (labels.Length == 0)return false;foreach (var label in labels){if (po.Label == label)return false;}}return true;}

TriState _OpenPosition(double magicIndex, bool noOrders, string symbolCode, TradeType tradeType, double lots, double slippage, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit, string comment){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode) ? Symbol : MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);if (noOrders && Positions.Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol) != null)return new TriState();if (stopLoss < 1)stopLoss = null;if (takeProfit < 1)takeProfit=null;if(symbol.Digits==5||symbol.Digits == 3){if (stopLoss != null)stopLoss /= 10;if (takeProfit != null)takeProfit /= 10;slippage /= 10;}int volume = Convert.ToInt32(lots * 100000);if (!ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, symbol, volume, "FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), stopLoss, takeProfit, slippage, comment).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}

TriState _SendPending(double magicIndex, bool noOrders, string symbolCode, PendingOrderType poType, TradeType tradeType, double lots, int priceAction, double priceValue, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit,DateTime? expiration, string comment){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode) ? Symbol : MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);if (noOrders && PendingOrders.__Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol) != null)return new TriState();if (stopLoss < 1)stopLoss = null;if (takeProfit < 1)takeProfit = null;if (symbol.Digits == 5 || symbol.Digits == 3){if (stopLoss != null)stopLoss /= 10;if (takeProfit != null)takeProfit /= 10;}int volume = Convert.ToInt32(lots * 100000);double targetPrice;switch (priceAction){case 0:targetPrice = priceValue;break;case 1:targetPrice = symbol.Bid - priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 2:targetPrice = symbol.Bid + priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 3:targetPrice = symbol.Ask - priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 4:targetPrice = symbol.Ask + priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;default:targetPrice = priceValue;break;}if (expiration.HasValue && (expiration.Value.Ticks == 0 || expiration.Value == DateTime.Parse("1970.01.01 00:00:00")))expiration = null;if (poType == PendingOrderType.Limit){if (!PlaceLimitOrder(tradeType, symbol, volume, targetPrice, "FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), stopLoss, takeProfit, expiration, comment).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}else if (poType == PendingOrderType.Stop){if (!PlaceStopOrder(tradeType, symbol, volume, targetPrice, "FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), stopLoss, takeProfit, expiration, comment).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}return new TriState();}

TriState _ModifyPosition(double magicIndex, string symbolCode, int slAction, double slValue, int tpAction, double tpValue){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode) ? Symbol : MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);var pos = Positions.Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (pos == null)return new TriState();double? sl, tp;if (slValue == 0)sl = null;else{switch (slAction){case 0:sl = pos.StopLoss;break;case 1:if (pos.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)sl = pos.EntryPrice - slValue * symbol.TickSize;else sl = pos.EntryPrice + slValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 2:sl = slValue;break;default:sl = pos.StopLoss;break;}}if (tpValue == 0)tp = null;else{switch (tpAction){case 0:tp = pos.TakeProfit;break;case 1:if (pos.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)tp = pos.EntryPrice + tpValue * symbol.TickSize;else tp = pos.EntryPrice - tpValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 2:tp = tpValue;break;default:tp = pos.TakeProfit;break;}}if (!ModifyPosition(pos, sl, tp).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}

TriState _ModifyPending(double magicIndex, string symbolCode, int slAction, double slValue, int tpAction, double tpValue, int priceAction, double priceValue, int expirationAction, DateTime? expiration){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode) ? Symbol : MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);var po = PendingOrders.__Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (po == null)return new TriState();double targetPrice;double? sl, tp;if (slValue == 0)sl = null;else{switch (slAction){case 0:sl = po.StopLoss;break;case 1:if (po.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)sl = po.TargetPrice - slValue * symbol.TickSize;else sl = po.TargetPrice + slValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 2:sl = slValue;break;default:sl = po.StopLoss;break;}}if (tpValue == 0)tp = null;else{switch (tpAction){case 0:tp = po.TakeProfit;break;case 1:if (po.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)tp = po.TargetPrice + tpValue * symbol.TickSize;else tp = po.TargetPrice - tpValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 2:tp = tpValue;break;default:tp = po.TakeProfit;break;}}switch (priceAction){case 0:targetPrice = po.TargetPrice;break;case 1:targetPrice = priceValue;break;case 2:targetPrice = po.TargetPrice + priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 3:targetPrice = po.TargetPrice - priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 4:targetPrice = symbol.Bid - priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 5:targetPrice = symbol.Bid + priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 6:targetPrice = symbol.Ask - priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;case 7:targetPrice = symbol.Ask + priceValue * symbol.TickSize;break;default:targetPrice = po.TargetPrice;break;}if (expiration.HasValue && (expiration.Value.Ticks == 0 || expiration.Value == DateTime.Parse("1970.01.01 00:00:00")))expiration = null;if (expirationAction == 0)expiration = po.ExpirationTime;if (!ModifyPendingOrder(po, targetPrice, sl, tp, expiration).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}

TriState _ClosePosition(double magicIndex, string symbolCode, double lots){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode) ? Symbol : MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);var pos = Positions.Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (pos == null)return new TriState();TradeResult result;if (lots == 0){result = ClosePosition(pos);}else{int volume = Convert.ToInt32(lots * 100000);result = ClosePosition(pos, volume);}if (!result.IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}

TriState _DeletePending(double magicIndex, string symbolCode){Symbol symbol = (Symbol.Code == symbolCode)?Symbol:MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);var po=PendingOrders.__Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (po == null)return new TriState();if (!CancelPendingOrder(po).IsSuccessful){Thread.Sleep(400);return false;}return true;}

bool _OrderStatus(double magicIndex, string symbolCode, int test){Symbol symbol=(Symbol.Code==symbolCode)?Symbol:MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);var pos=Positions.Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (pos != null){if (test == 0)return true;if (test == 1)return true;if (test == 3)return pos.TradeType == TradeType.Buy;if (test == 4)return pos.TradeType == TradeType.Sell;}var po = PendingOrders.__Find("FxProQuant_" + magicIndex.ToString("F0"), symbol);if (po != null){if (test == 0)return true;if (test == 2)return true;if (test == 3)return po.TradeType == TradeType.Buy;if (test == 4)return po.TradeType == TradeType.Sell;if (test == 5)return po.OrderType == PendingOrderType.Limit;if (test == 6)return po.OrderType == PendingOrderType.Stop;}return false;}

int TimeframeToInt(TimeFrame tf){if(tf == TimeFrame.Minute) return 1;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute2) return 2;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute3) return 3;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute4) return 4;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute5) return 5;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute10) return 10;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute15) return 15;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Minute30) return 30;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Hour) return 60;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Hour4) return 240;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Daily) return 1440;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Weekly) return 10080;else if (tf == TimeFrame.Monthly) return 43200;return 1;}

DateTime __currentBarTime = DateTime.MinValue;
bool __isNewBar(bool triggerAtStart)
    DateTime newTime = MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue;
    if (__currentBarTime != newTime)
        if (!triggerAtStart && __currentBarTime == DateTime.MinValue)
            __currentBarTime = newTime;
            return false;
        __currentBarTime = newTime;
        return true;
    return false;

public struct TriState{public static readonly TriState NonExecution = new TriState(0);public static readonly TriState False = new TriState(-1);public static readonly TriState True = new TriState(1);sbyte value;TriState(int value){this.value = (sbyte)value;}public bool IsNonExecution{get { return value == 0; }}public static implicit operator TriState(bool x){return x ? True : False;}public static TriState operator ==(TriState x, TriState y){if (x.value == 0 || y.value == 0)return NonExecution;return x.value == y.value ? True : False;}public static TriState operator !=(TriState x, TriState y){if (x.value == 0 || y.value == 0)return NonExecution;return x.value != y.value ? True : False;}public static TriState operator !(TriState x){return new TriState(-x.value);}public static TriState operator &(TriState x, TriState y){return new TriState(x.value < y.value ? x.value : y.value);}public static TriState operator |(TriState x, TriState y){return new TriState(x.value > y.value ? x.value : y.value);}public static bool operator true(TriState x){return x.value > 0;}public static bool operator false(TriState x){return x.value < 0;}public static implicit operator bool(TriState x){return x.value > 0;}public override bool Equals(object obj){if (!(obj is TriState))return false;return value == ((TriState)obj).value;}public override int GetHashCode(){return value;}public override string ToString(){if (value > 0)return "True";if (value < 0)return "False";return "NonExecution";}}

public static class PendingEx{public static PendingOrder __Find(this cAlgo.API.PendingOrders pendingOrders, string label, Symbol symbol){foreach (PendingOrder po in pendingOrders){if (po.SymbolCode == symbol.Code && po.Label == label)return po;}return null;}}
