Manually pass an order and add a label

Created at 21 Aug 2017, 16:09
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Joined 24.07.2012

Manually pass an order and add a label
21 Aug 2017, 16:09


Will it be possible in the future to manually pass an order (stop or limit or other) and to manually add a label.
This would make it possible to differentiate the various strategies or to correct a bug on a robot by adding commands with the same label (the new orders passed manually would thus be committed in the robot algorithm)



21 Aug 2017, 16:30

Dear tradermatrix,

Could you please explain what do you mean by saying "manually pass an order"? Currently you can create an order from the interface or using cAlgo. Do you have any other way in mind? Regarding manually applying a label to an order, we don't have such plans currently. 

This would make it possible to differentiate the various strategies or to correct a bug on a robot by adding commands with the same label

Why not to fix the bug in the first place? If you can explain a bit more the necessity of this feature, then we can consider it for future releases.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team 


21 Aug 2017, 21:55

Excuse my bad explanation.j could have also posted on Ctrader.
I want to say a command to the market directly on the screen (stop or limit) or with Ctrader (no robot) ... the window that opens allows to choose orders "market order" or "limit" or "stop" and "Stop limit order" .and even to post a comment ....
J would have liked to be able to add the function "label".
Because I use small automatic closing robots at a desired price.
Using for example several currencies or indicator I will be able to separate the profits (according to the label that I will have chosen at the moment of placing an order).
thank you
