System.Security.SecurityException using a LINQ query
Created at 12 Aug 2017, 19:26
System.Security.SecurityException using a LINQ query
12 Aug 2017, 19:26
I'm aware that using FullAccess rights will get rid of this exception. But it seems like an overkill to me: I'm not reading any local files, connecting to the internet or otherwise.
I'm just using (for example):
Positions.OrderByDescending(x => x.GrossProfit).Last()
What kind of rights am I violating with this? What's the most restrictive AccessRights I can set to be able to use this?
15 Aug 2017, 16:26
I see your question has not been answered yet, so I created a new cBot with no AccessRights and ran the code below in the OnStart method.
The line of code executed fine, your problem may be in another code block somewhere.