Instance name

Created at 27 Jul 2017, 17:59
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Joined 05.07.2017

Instance name
27 Jul 2017, 17:59


I have been told that when running multiple instances of the same strategy I need to give each instance a unique "instance name"

After changing the instance name parameters, for example to 001 or 0014 it stopped executing any trades.

Is there any rules when creating the instance names and why would it stop executing?

Also is there some sort of manual to use this platform as I'm sort of trying to figure things out as I go



27 Jul 2017, 22:25


This refers to a strategy I developed for you in June, in order to run two cBots instances with the same symbol and time-frame, but with different parameters, you need to specify a label which has been called instance name in the custom robot, this is not a common parameter name, if you wish to discuss this with me in more detail to resolve any issues you may have please contact me at where you will receive free help.

Just send me the cBot you are using and an explanation of the problem and I will investigate it.




28 Jul 2017, 03:56

Hi Paul,

I left it overnight and it was actually executing fine - it ended up having a longer period than usual after I updated the parameters where there was no trades to be made.

So it was actually just me being confused and I'm really happy with the work you did for me :)



28 Jul 2017, 15:39

No problem, remember you still have development credits outstanding, so if you need any further modifications just ask and I will be happy to help.
