cAlgo freezing on lid close.
Created at 24 May 2017, 03:41
cAlgo freezing on lid close.
24 May 2017, 03:41
Hello everybody.. i just saw something wired, when i close the laptop lid the cAlgo program is freezing, the time is stop ticking and i compared it to to time ticking of windows while i recording the screen, and it keep on ticking, so for sure the problem is with the cAlgo.
Of course i have my power settings to do nothing when i close the lid.
Can anyone tell me how to set the cAlgo to ignore the state of the laptop screen?
29 May 2017, 17:30
Hey, don't close the lid when trading. In my opinion, it sounds like a risky endeavor to let your positions to be controlled by the computer and the OS.