Optimization will not run with non-default double parameters

Created at 08 Mar 2017, 06:31
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Joined 08.03.2017

Optimization will not run with non-default double parameters
08 Mar 2017, 06:31


I have a bot with quite a few parameters. Some of them I want to optimize, others I do not.

What I have noticed is that optimization will not run sometimes. I press play, and it simply runs for a few seconds and then stops. No messages come up in any of the optimisation windows, simply the play button turns back to stop.

After some testing I figured out what it was. The optimization will NOT run when:

  • De-select parameters which are of a double data type; and
  • Enter non-default values into those parameters

The optimization WILL run when:

  • All parameters are selected for optimization; or
  • De-selected double data type parameters contain only the default value

The workaround is to select the faulty parameter for optimization, then input a test range like 10 to 10.0001 and a testing step of 0.0001. This works but is extremely inconvenient having to do every time. There is no reason why this should be necessary.

This appears to be a but with the cAlgo platform.




08 Mar 2017, 06:35

*bug. This appears to be a bug.

Another I noticed is that if the testing step is larger than the range to be tested, the optimization run appears to run indefinitely with no results output.
