default proxy server for cAlgo or cTrader

Created at 08 Feb 2017, 01:21
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Joined 24.11.2016

default proxy server for cAlgo or cTrader
08 Feb 2017, 01:21

How I can connect cTarder or cAlgo to the same default proxy server if one of them runs on VPS ?


10 Feb 2017, 17:41


The when the application launches wherever you are in the world, whether it's from a VPS in London or your local PC in Australia, the application will search all of the available proxies and test them to determine the best one to use. There is no decission making responsibility for you as a user. 

Hope this is clear. 

Many thanks, 


27 Mar 2019, 14:55

when I connect via VPN and then restart cTrader sometimes the proxy it chooses is very strange.. like singapore when I'm connecting to London with the VPN.


Is there a way to get it to search again? or reset it or something?


27 Mar 2019, 15:04

Hi ycomp,

You can try restarting cTrader.

Best Regards,



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