Different back-test results on VPS !!! Why ??? How to fix it ???

Created at 08 Feb 2017, 01:20
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Different back-test results on VPS !!! Why ??? How to fix it ???
08 Feb 2017, 01:20

Hi guys,

I optimized my cBot at home on my laptop. Then I tried the same setup on my VPS. cBot brought totaly different results. I checked setup dozen times. What is worng ? 


10 Feb 2017, 18:42


To get a more helpful response from the community you may want to provide more details about this scenario. 

Many thanks, 


26 Feb 2017, 20:18

What details you want me to provide ?



The only difference I noticed, that VPS is connected to diffrent proxy server. If I use VPN and then I can force cAlgo to connect to the same proxy server then backtest results are the same.

Why it is happening ? It looks like cBots are profitable in some regions of world and non in others becouse of connection to difference proxy server !

I live in Canada, my cAlgo/cTrader is connected to proxy server in New York or New Jersey - cBot on this two servers brings me the same profit during backtest. But on my VPS located in Germany cTrader/cAlgo is connected to proxy server in Amsterdam or London and there cBot is not profitable at all. I remind set up is exacly the same except connection to the same proxy server.


And here I have a thought: even if my cBot is profitable on New York server, is it really the best set up I can achive ? maybe if it would be connected somwhere else it might bring me better results !

If it is not a kind of mistake in cAlgo/cTrader code and it is done in purposely this software is a scam at all.



02 Mar 2017, 12:19

The tick data used for backtesting comes from the broker server to which you're connected to. What exact cAlgo are you using - the Spotware version from Spotware's website, or the version your broker gives? And are you logged into the same demo trading account on both programs?

There is a problem with historical tick data that some brokers were offering. Check my thread here:


If you downloaded the tick data from your broker a while ago (by doing a backtest) and the broker changed it since, and then you downloaded it again on a newer install of cAlgo, the data may be different, and so the results of your cBot backtest may be different when you run tests on the 2 diff machines or software installations. Go to the folder: C:\Users\yourusername\appdata\roaming\brokername cAlgo\cache and backtestingcache\ticks folder and delete the data for the symbols that are giving you the trouble, on both machines. Try doing a backtest again. If they're on the same broker demo account and server, you'll get the same tick data and the same results.
