Permissions needed for Calgo directory and Subdirectories

Created at 25 Dec 2016, 16:29
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Joined 25.12.2016

Permissions needed for Calgo directory and Subdirectories
25 Dec 2016, 16:29



Please let me know what user permissions are required for CAlgo directory and subdirectories to display the indicators and bots in the left pane of CAlgo editor.


Thanks in advance


26 Dec 2016, 07:52



If any one finds the same problem and is a newbie to the platform, please first try Preferences -> Layout -> Default Layout in CAlgo editor.  If you still find it is not turning up, then search in google for "NTFS Permissions Tools" and check appropriate permission settings for the main drive and then the folders in CAlgo folder in Documents.


Hope this helps someone.
