Trigger stays true until false

Created at 12 Dec 2016, 16:03
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Trigger stays true until false
12 Dec 2016, 16:03

Hi. I have a trigger that should stay true until it is false no matter how many bars have passed once the trigger is true. Basically it is the latest candle crosses and close above the 15ema. As long as price stays above the 15ema the trigger is true. Once price closes below the 15ema the trigger is false. 

How does one go about storing that state? Thanks


12 Dec 2016, 23:05

Concept :

Test the Candle that Closed for the Close price : [index-1]

Test the Previous Value of the EMA  : EMA15.Result[index-1]

Set a Bool Switch For CandleAboveEma & CandleBelowEMA 

Code :

private bool CandleAboveEma ,CandleBelowEMA ;

   if(Marketseries.Close[index-1] > EMA15.Resulst[Index-1])
       CandleAboveEma = True ;
       CandleBelowEMA  = False ;
   else if(Marketseries.Close[index-1] < EMA15.Resulst[Index-1])
      CandleAboveEma = True ;
      CandleBelowEMA  = False ;

sure you can make only one Bool and test it ,but his will make sense if you're developing a big Indicator or Robot.

you must test the Previous EMA Value & Previous Candle . .. not the current values . 



13 Dec 2016, 00:02

Line 13 & 14 should be the opposite in terms of True & False 


its a shame that we can't edit our own posts . 


13 Dec 2016, 07:14


Thanks cyfer. So if I put this code in Int. will it store the value until it changes? 

Again thank you for helping out.

cyfer said:

Concept :

Test the Candle that Closed for the Close price : [index-1]

Test the Previous Value of the EMA  : EMA15.Result[index-1]

Set a Bool Switch For CandleAboveEma & CandleBelowEMA 

Code :

private bool CandleAboveEma ,CandleBelowEMA ;

   if(Marketseries.Close[index-1] > EMA15.Resulst[Index-1])
       CandleAboveEma = True ;
       CandleBelowEMA  = False ;
   else if(Marketseries.Close[index-1] < EMA15.Resulst[Index-1])
      CandleAboveEma = True ;
      CandleBelowEMA  = False ;

sure you can make only one Bool and test it ,but his will make sense if you're developing a big Indicator or Robot.

you must test the Previous EMA Value & Previous Candle . .. not the current values . 




14 Dec 2016, 01:32


You can discard the Bool Switches cause the calculations are Switches by nature 

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class CTDN_EMA_Signal : Indicator
        private MovingAverage MA;
        private bool aboveEMA, belowEma;

        [Parameter("MA_Period", DefaultValue = 15)]
        public int MA_Period { get; set; }

        [Parameter("MA_Type", DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.Exponential)]
        public MovingAverageType MA_Type { get; set; }
        protected override void Initialize()
            MA = Indicators.MovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, MA_Period, MA_Type);
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (MarketSeries.Close[index - 1] > MA.Result[index - 1])
                aboveEMA = true;
                belowEma = false;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Signal", "AboveEma", StaticPosition.BottomLeft, Colors.Green);
            if (MarketSeries.Close[index - 1] < MA.Result[index - 1])
                aboveEMA = false;
                belowEma = true;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Signal", "BelowEma", StaticPosition.BottomLeft, Colors.Red);


