Trades evaluation software

Created at 29 Nov 2016, 21:18
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Joined 17.02.2013

Trades evaluation software
29 Nov 2016, 21:18

What are the softwares to evaluate trades from risk perspective?

Not only whole portfolio, but all single trades.

There is, but it has limited functionality, moreover excel import fails.


01 Dec 2016, 20:03

Evaluate trades

I would say at the moment has a very good coverage on the risk, based on multiple single trades. Easy to setup from cTrader with the broker of your choice. Myfxbook has a few minutes of reporting delay though but other than that, it is an excellent service. 

When it comes to immediate information on single trades,, Bought and Sold cBot,  is the fastest way to get the information needed on the last trade closed, its free to download and use.

Information and download link: Bought and Sold cBot



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