Market Closed for this Currency - HELP

Created at 15 Sep 2016, 18:49
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Joined 10.07.2016

Market Closed for this Currency - HELP
15 Sep 2016, 18:49

I bought a new computer Yesterday 


Installed all software updated all windows, then installed Ctrader and Calgo, loaded my indicators and templates.


Open the app and i cant trade, it shows on chart that the market is closed for this symbol, and randomly on the market wath circles that show market close for symbol.


I have unisntall the Ctrader software, also , re install full windows, have updated everything an no luck



Any ideas please



Best regards



20 Sep 2016, 12:36

Hello Silvio,

Could you please be more specific, for example, what symbol(s) have this problem ? What broker does the application belong to? 

Many thanks, 


21 Sep 2016, 07:23



Now the problem is even worse, The problem is on Calgo and ctrader,


It conects and disconects forever, like a loop. i havent been able to trade since 2 days ago from computer software.




The problem is related to windows time , im running Windows 10, i have made all updates, al possible configurations, everthing possible, i tried messing arrond with my old laptop and also same problem, i know its related to windows local time or date and time related, but Spotware software is the only one giveing me thisnheadache. 


Any ideas?



