drawing in backtesting

Created at 11 Aug 2016, 13:23
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Joined 02.08.2016

drawing in backtesting
11 Aug 2016, 13:23

hi all

why drawing doesn t work in back testing?

it would be very useful for debugging. for instance i am trying to mark inside candles during backtesting and while it works in live mode it doesnt in backtesting





02 Sep 2016, 15:54


egi.messito said:

hi all

why drawing doesn t work in back testing?

it would be very useful for debugging. for instance i am trying to mark inside candles during backtesting and while it works in live mode it doesnt in backtesting




Also, it would be *fantastic* to have an almost "bar by bar" playback of a backtest.  To really dial in on the nittygritty of things.  Even if just for a tiny segment (say 1 day) of a backtest.  That would be priceless.  That would allow additional time for the computer to process these drawing things to happen too.  
