Decimal Mark Missing
Decimal Mark Missing
26 May 2016, 16:48
When I connect to the API, the JSON datas that I receive are wrong.
It gives me => \"balance\":174325
when it should be \"balance\":1743.25
or \"commission\":-3
for \"commission\":-0.03
The big problem is that it cuts even the 0. So for 150.10 it gives 1501 so I can't just divide everything by 100 as a quick fix.
Thanks for your help.
26 May 2016, 21:22
Data for an account
{\"accountId\":***,\"accountNumber\":***,\"live\":true,\"brokerName\":\"IC Markets\",\"brokerTitle\":\"IC Markets\",\"brokerCode\":154,\"depositCurrency\":\"EUR\",\"traderRegistrationTimestamp\":***,\"traderAccountType\":\"HEDGED\",\"leverage\":50,\"balance\":174325,\"deleted\":false,\"accountStatus\":\"ACTIVE\"}
Data for a trade
{\"dealId\":8673365,\"positionId\":22872333,\"orderId\":36837689,\"tradeSide\":\"SELL\",\"volume\":100000,\"filledVolume\":100000,\"symbolName\":\"EURUSD\",\"commission\":-3,\"executionPrice\":1.11921,\"baseToUsdConversionRate\":1.1192,\"marginRate\":1.0,\"channel\":\"cTrader Web\",\"label\":null,\"comment\":null,\"createTimestamp\":1463659042833,\"executionTimestamp\":1463659043113,\"positionCloseDetails\":{\"entryPrice\":1.12182,\"profit\":-233,\"swap\":0,\"commission\":-6,\"balance\":73883,\"balanceVersion\":109,\"comment\":\"positionEntity id 22872333\",\"stopLossPrice\":1.1192,\"takeProfitPrice\":1.1228,\"quoteToDepositConversionRate\":0.89347,\"closedVolume\":100000,\"profitInPips\":-26.1,\"roi\":-0.07115127097850404,\"equityBasedRoi\":-0.07651558637179712,\"equity\":73938}}
Bold is the wrong data.
This is the C# code I use:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string content = "";
content = wc.DownloadString(Config.API_HOST + "connect/tradingaccounts/" + Config.ACCOUNT_ID + "/deals?limit=750&oauth_token=" + Config.OAUTH_TOKEN);
31 May 2016, 15:56
Dear Trader,
As you can also see in the Schema the balance is monetary type, which contains the monetary amount in cents, penny, etc and is represented using long (int64) data type.
Example: balance:100000, depositCurrency:USD => balance: 1000 USD
The big problem is that it cuts even the 0. So for 150.10 it gives 1501 so I can't just divide everything by 100 as a quick fix
Could you please send us the request/response example showing the above mentioned issue?
26 May 2016, 17:56
Dear Trader,
Could you please send us the request/response example for your issue?