New to cTrader OpenAPI, help please.

Created at 08 Nov 2023, 21:05
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Joined 03.06.2020

New to cTrader OpenAPI, help please.
08 Nov 2023, 21:05

I'm experienced in cAlgo, but new to cTrader OpenAPI.  I've followed the Registering a New Application and got Credentials, I also installed the SDK package.

Now I want to build a connection and get some of my account basic information from the cTrader Endpoints, via the code below:

How should I finalize the code to use credentials and get some personal account information to display in the form?


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenAPI.Net;

namespace RecordPrice
    public class Program : Form
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Program());
        private OpenClient cTraderConnector = new OpenClient("", 5034, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), useWebSocket: false);

        private Button startButton = new Button { Text = "Start Logging", Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 10, 10)              };
        private Button stopButton  = new Button { Text = "Stop Logging" , Location = new System.Drawing.Point(110, 10)              };
        private TextBox tx_Time    = new TextBox{ Text = "--:--:--"     , Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 10, 40), Width = 400 };
        public Program()
            Text = "Price Logger App"; Width = 430; Height = 200;

            startButton.Click += StartLogging;
            stopButton.Click  += StopLogging;   stopButton.Enabled = false;
            tx_Time.Visible = true; tx_Time.ReadOnly = true;


        private void StartLogging(object sender, EventArgs e)
            startButton.Enabled = false;
            stopButton.Enabled = true;

            cTraderConnector.Connect();		// Initialize cTrader API connector with the credentials
            tx_Time.Text = cTraderConnector.AccountInformation.ToString();	// How to get some useful information and display at the TextBox?

        private void StopLogging(object sender, EventArgs e)
            startButton.Enabled = true;
            stopButton.Enabled = false;






09 Nov 2023, 06:37

Hi there,

Check the documentation and the examples here.

Best regards,

