Server ping

Created at 27 Oct 2023, 05:34
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Joined 19.01.2022

Server ping
27 Oct 2023, 05:34

I see some old threads about being able to get server ping with the old API, is it possible with the current Open API? I haven't found anything in the code or documentation.



27 Oct 2023, 06:04

Hi there,

You get heartbeats from the server, why do you need a ping?


27 Oct 2023, 06:16

RE: Server ping

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

You get heartbeats from the server, why do you need a ping?

Sorry, to clarify I mean the one-way latency to the server.


23 May 2024, 08:44 ( Updated at: 23 May 2024, 09:42 )

RE: RE: Server ping

kemenist said: 

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

You get heartbeats from the server, why do you need a ping?

Sorry, to clarify I mean the one-way latency to the server.

if  you using python websockets library, you can use ping to get latency, example code:

async def _auto_ping(self, interval:int, connection:WebSocketClientProtocol):

        while True:

            await asyncio.sleep(interval)

            future_pong = await

            # print('', end='♡')

            latency = await future_pong

            # print('', end=f'❤︎')
