Tick and symbol data from different brokers

Created at 25 Oct 2023, 11:33
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Joined 19.01.2022

Tick and symbol data from different brokers
25 Oct 2023, 11:33


I've noticed that the tick data received in ProtoOAGetTickDataRes is different between accounts on Spotware's own platform (demo) and brokers such as FxPro, and also between different brokers. The charts look similar but the frequency and price varies slightly.
What is the reason for this?

I've also noticed there is a discrepancy between a symbol being enabled according to either the ProtoOASymbolsListRes and the ProtoOASymbolByIdRes, for instance the symbol with id 22343 from Spotware's server has ProtoOALightSymbol.Enabled set to False, but TradingMode: “Enabled” in the ProtoOASymbolByIdRes response. Is this a bug or are they not equal?


26 Oct 2023, 05:41

Hi there,

This is normal. Each broker has his own liquidity sources, therefore differences are expected.


27 Oct 2023, 01:26

RE: Tick and symbol data from different brokers

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

This is normal. Each broker has his own liquidity sources, therefore differences are expected.

Hi Panagiotis, thanks for your reply.

That makes sense. Are all brokers’ servers in the same place? What is the data in Spotware’s server based on?

And do you have any thoughts regarding the second part of my initial question? The question is mainly if the fields are meant to represent the same information (and if so, why is there a discrepancy between the different messages).




27 Oct 2023, 05:52

Hi there,

Unfortunately I am not aware of the internal infrastructure at Spotware at the moment.



27 Oct 2023, 05:58

Regarding the second part of the question, I am not sure, maybe Spotware can clarify
