Can anyone please explain limits on how many times you can perform certain requests to the cTrader backend?

Created at 23 Jun 2023, 15:43
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Joined 03.02.2023

Can anyone please explain limits on how many times you can perform certain requests to the cTrader backend?
23 Jun 2023, 15:43



I have gone through Open API documentation and found that there are some limitations as it saying:

Note that there exist some limits on how many times you can perform certain requests to the cTrader backend.

  • You can perform a maximum of 50 requests per second per connection for any non-historical data requests.
  • You can perform a maximum of 5 requests per second per connection for any historical data requests.

My question is that if user A is connected to OpenAPI app X, and user B is also connected with app X, then 50 request limit would be for both users collectively or individually?


26 Jun 2023, 08:24

Hi there,

There limits are per connection, no matter how many users are authorized through it.

Aieden Technologies

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26 Jun 2023, 11:47


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

There limits are per connection, no matter how many users are authorized through it.

Aieden Technologies

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We are getting this error message:

payloadType: 'PROTO_OA_ERROR_RES',ctidTraderAccountId: '0',errorCode: 'REQUEST_FREQUENCY_EXCEEDED',description: 'You have reached the rate limit of requests',maintenanceEndTimestamp: null,clientMsgId: 'dde6ab71-0c46-11ee-bb08-13881ab8dd11'

It especially comes when you are iterating trades for a user. What could be the reason?


27 Jun 2023, 08:12

Hi there,

I think the message is clear. You have reached one of the above limits.

Aieden Technologies

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27 Jun 2023, 08:18


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

I think the message is clear. You have reached one of the above limits.

Aieden Technologies

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It means when we access broker accounts through Open API then we created a single connection, no matter how many users are linked with it and these limits are for this connection. Am I right?


28 Jun 2023, 08:41 ( Updated at: 28 Jun 2023, 08:44 )

