Spot event not timely

Created at 09 Jun 2023, 11:55
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Spot event not timely
09 Jun 2023, 11:55

Is there a reason why the spot event is not occurring at the expected time for the time period subscribed for. I have an M30 session running. At instantiation, l get the first spot event complete with trend bar data, but every subsequent half hour after that, the spot event does not arrive from the server. The connection to the server is correctly kept alive by a recurrent heartbeat polling. I get the Depth event which indicate connection was always maintained. but l never receive any future spot events. Mind you, l did receive a response confirming subscription to spot events and trendbar events were received by the server.


What could be the matter here? I am running in the Python SDK .


1. Spot events occur 5 mins before the half hour or up to 12mins after the half hour

2. Sometimes, the spot event does not occur at all with no error raised

3. Other times, subsequent spot events arrive 5 to 10mins apart with the first instance containing the tick data only and the next containing the tick and trend data. But both not occurring promptly on the half hour timeframe.

See screenshot below for details.

Is this a known issue? Is there anything l can do at the client end to improve the timeliness of the spot event?

09 Jun 2023, 13:44

Hi there,

Can you compare with the desktop app? Does the symbol receive ticks on cTrader Desktop?

Aieden Technologies

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09 Jun 2023, 13:56 ( Updated at: 09 Jun 2023, 13:57 )


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

Can you compare with the desktop app? Does the symbol receive ticks on cTrader Desktop?

Aieden Technologies

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The symbol is USDJPY, the currently running desktop app can display tick data in the onTick method and trendbar data in the OnBar method. The timing of the OnBar event on the desktop is spot on the 30 minutes intervals and l am trying to replicate that in the python SDK based code for OpenAPI. The aim is to have a consistent event signal on the 30 mins interval as my trading algorithm is based on this strict timeliness.
16 Jun 2023, 11:55 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

The issue continues to persist. Is this what to expect from the production environment of the Python SDK CTrader server as well? This time no event signal was received, is there a solution coming for this or is there something we can do at the client end to improve this?

16 Jun 2023, 13:12

Hi there,

It's still not clear to me what the problem is as your screenshots don't say much. Nevertheless, if there is an issue here not just a misunderstanding of how things work, it's probably a problem with the Python SDK, which is open source and not really supported, so I would not expect any updates. If you can reproduce the problem with the .Net SDK too, I would be happy to have a look as well

Aieden Technologies

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