Draw text and a icon

Created at 25 Apr 2023, 00:33
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Joined 25.04.2023

Draw text and a icon
25 Apr 2023, 00:33

How can i draw a icon and text in the same bar?
    ChartObjects.DrawText(index.ToString(), text.ToString(), index, _supert2.DownTrend.Last(0), VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center);

This only draw text.
Thank you



25 Apr 2023, 09:29

Hi there,

Try giving a different name to each object.

Aieden Technologies

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25 Apr 2023, 16:14


Thank You!

var a=1;

    ChartObjects.DrawText(index.ToString()+a, text.ToString(), index, _supert2.DownTrend.Last(0), VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center);
