Delta close not showing in SubscribeLiveTrendBarReq

Created at 08 Mar 2023, 15:51
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Delta close not showing in SubscribeLiveTrendBarReq
08 Mar 2023, 15:51

Hey, I'm trying to use this code to get the trend bar information so i can have live bar closes so my indicator can be updated.

The problem i'm facing is that the response i'm getting doesnt show delta.close. I could use the of the next bar but its not ideal as sometimes the close of the previous bar isnt the same as the open of the current bar.


credentialsFile = open("credentials-dev.json")

credentials = json.load(credentialsFile)


host = EndPoints.PROTOBUF_LIVE_HOST if credentials["HostType"].lower() == "live" else EndPoints.PROTOBUF_DEMO_HOST

client = Client(host, EndPoints.PROTOBUF_PORT, TcpProtocol)


symbolName = "GBPUSD"


def sendProtoOASubscribeLiveTrendbarReq(result):

    request = ProtoOASubscribeLiveTrendbarReq()

    request.symbolId = 2

    request.ctidTraderAccountId = credentials["AccountId"]

    request.period = ProtoOATrendbarPeriod.M1

    deferred = client.send(request)



def sendProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq(result):

    symbols = Protobuf.extract(result)

    global symbolName

    symbolsFilterResult = list(filter(lambda symbol: symbol.symbolName == symbolName, symbols.symbol))

    if len(symbolsFilterResult) == 0:

        raise Exception(f"There is symbol that matches to your defined symbol name: {symbolName}")

    elif len(symbolsFilterResult) > 1:

        raise Exception(f"More than one symbol matched with your defined symbol name: {symbolName}, match result: {symbolsFilterResult}")

    symbol = symbolsFilterResult[0]

    symbolId = symbol.symbolId


    timeInSeconds = 2

    subscribeToSpotTimestamp = False

    clientMsgId = None


    request = ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq()

    request.ctidTraderAccountId = credentials["AccountId"]


    request.subscribeToSpotTimestamp = subscribeToSpotTimestamp if type(subscribeToSpotTimestamp) is bool else bool(subscribeToSpotTimestamp)

    deferred = client.send(request, clientMsgId = clientMsgId)

    deferred.addCallbacks(sendProtoOASubscribeLiveTrendbarReq, onError)


    #reactor.callLater(int(timeInSeconds), sendProtoOAUnsubscribeSpotsReq, symbolId)


def accountAuthResponseCallback(result):

    print("\nAccount authenticated")

    request = ProtoOASymbolsListReq()

    request.ctidTraderAccountId = credentials["AccountId"]

    request.includeArchivedSymbols = False

    deferred = client.send(request)

    deferred.addCallbacks(sendProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq, onError)


def applicationAuthResponseCallback(result):

    print("\nApplication authenticated")

    request = ProtoOAAccountAuthReq()

    request.ctidTraderAccountId = credentials["AccountId"]

    request.accessToken = credentials["AccessToken"]

    deferred = client.send(request)

    deferred.addCallbacks(accountAuthResponseCallback, onError)   


def onError(client, failure): # Call back for errors

    print("\nMessage Error: ", failure)


def disconnected(client, reason): # Callback for client disconnection

    print("\nDisconnected: ", reason)


def onMessageReceived(client, message): # Callback for receiving all messages

    if message.payloadType in [ ProtoHeartbeatEvent().payloadType, ProtoOAAccountAuthRes().payloadType, ProtoOAApplicationAuthRes().payloadType, ProtoOASymbolsListRes().payloadType, ProtoOAGetTrendbarsRes().payloadType]:



    m = Protobuf.extract(message)

    with open('test.txt','a') as file:



def connected(client): # Callback for client connection


    request = ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq()

    request.clientId = credentials["ClientId"]

    request.clientSecret = credentials["Secret"]

    deferred = client.send(request)

    deferred.addCallbacks(applicationAuthResponseCallback, onError)


# Setting optional client callbacks





# Starting the client service


# Run Twisted reactor, we imported it earlier

And what i'm getting as response is this

ctidTraderAccountId: 22367191
symbolId: 2
bid: 118347
ask: 118349
trendbar {
  volume: 234
  period: M1
  low: 118321
  deltaOpen: 6
  deltaHigh: 42
  utcTimestampInMinutes: 27971363


Is there any way to show delta.close? Thanks in advance.


09 Mar 2023, 09:06

Hi there,

Close is always equal to the bid price. So delta is always 0.

Aieden Technologies

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