Calculating commission
Calculating commission
12 Apr 2022, 19:56
symbol: BTCUSD
Lot size:1 (Lot size in cents:100 )
PreciseTradingCommissionRate in OpenApi:17500
On their website the commission rate is 0.175%.
Why am I seeing 17500?? How can I get to 0.175%?
13 Apr 2022, 12:20
amusleh said:
Different types of symbols can have different types of commissions, you can fine commission types here: Models - cTrader Open API (
To correctly interpret a position/trade commission amount you have to know first what kind of commission the symbol uses.
Then based on symbol commission type you know what a position commission value represents, for symbols that uses PercentageOfValue you can get the actual percentage by dividing the position commission value to 100000.
In your case: 17500 / 100000 = 0.175
Thank you for the quick reply. I did check your models link before and I didn't find it anywhere that the amount should be divided by 10^5. I can only see 10^8 for non percentage types.
13 Apr 2022, 10:50
Different types of symbols can have different types of commissions, you can fine commission types here: Models - cTrader Open API (
To correctly interpret a position/trade commission amount you have to know first what kind of commission the symbol uses.
Then based on symbol commission type you know what a position commission value represents, for symbols that uses PercentageOfValue you can get the actual percentage by dividing the position commission value to 100000.
In your case: 17500 / 100000 = 0.175