Refresh token in Open API Sample

Created at 16 Jul 2020, 18:05
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Refresh token in Open API Sample
16 Jul 2020, 18:05


my Token has expired and sample app stopped working after that.

There was no error code, just regular Authorization response and after I hit Get account list button it looks like app entered endless loop.

I have tried to find a way to use refresh token in Sample, but could not find it. What should be done to refresh token from application? How to determine expired token?

And why there was no error, after token has expired?


17 Jul 2020, 08:17

Hi MZen,

You can find the requests used to refresh a token here. There is no event sent when a token expires, you receive the duration of the token in the token response. When the token becomes invalid, you will receive an OA_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED response.

 Best Regards,


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