Where is the leverage for Symbol?

Created at 15 Jan 2020, 12:12
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Joined 02.01.2018

Where is the leverage for Symbol?
15 Jan 2020, 12:12

This page (https://help.ctrader.com/ctrader/trading/dynamic-leverage) says each Symbol has its own leverage. 

I see in the API though that the "ProtoOATrader" has a "maxLeverage", but the "ProtoOASymbol" does not have any leverage information.

Isn't it possible to get the Symbol's leverage?

And that calculations in that page also show that up to 1 million the leverage is 500, after that the leverage is 200. Where does that come from?





15 Jan 2020, 12:20

Hi Douglas,

Symbol leverage is not available via Open API at the moment. If you need it to calculate the expected margin, you can use ProtoOAExpectedMarginReq.

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26 Jan 2020, 02:53


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi Douglas,

Symbol leverage is not available via Open API at the moment. If you need it to calculate the expected margin, you can use ProtoOAExpectedMarginReq.

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Thank you @Panagiotis. I am trying to implement a backtesting mechanism though, so I wouldn't be able to call the server to calculate this. Would there be some other way?


27 Jan 2020, 09:50

Hi Douglas,

Unfortunately no. I will discuss this with the product team to see if it can be added in future updates of the API.

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