What is the maximum concurrent request for each app connected to demo.ctraderapi.com?

Created at 27 Jul 2019, 08:56
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Joined 26.06.2019

What is the maximum concurrent request for each app connected to demo.ctraderapi.com?
27 Jul 2019, 08:56




Open API 2.0 utilizes Spotware’s Proxy Cloud to ensure fast and smooth operation of your application.

Currently the following proxies are available for Open API 2.0.

For accessing Demo accounts

  • demo.ctraderapi.com:5035

For accessing Live accounts

  • live.ctraderapi.com:5035

The above proxies are subject to the following limitations

  • 50 requests per second per application.
  • 25 concurrent connections per application.

If your application requires higher limits than the above, please contact us at connect@spotware.com


But I send a request every 300 milliseconds, the server often returns REQUEST_FREQUENCY_EXCEEDED。

In this case, let alone 50, 5 requests per second are not available.


29 Jul 2019, 09:24

Hi 66281850,

Probably you are sending more requests that you think. If you still believe you are sending only 3 requests, please send us at connect@spotware.com the following information to investigate further

  • Exact time of receiving REQUEST_FREQUENCY_EXCEEDED
  • Messages sent before receiving REQUEST_FREQUENCY_EXCEEDED
  • Application ID
  • Proxy (live or demo)
  • Broker
  • Account ID

Best Regards,

