How to convert the price of the int64 form spot to the real price of the double form?

Created at 26 Jul 2019, 17:52
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How to convert the price of the int64 form spot to the real price of the double form?
26 Jul 2019, 17:52

I received the spot from the server ,the spot  is an integer in the form of int64. We all know that the real price is a double floating point number.

for example。

EURUSD:  Spot:  111298          double:1.11298

ProtoOASymbol.digits  is  5

so,I usually convert the spot to a real double using the value of ProtoOASymbol.digits

But. There are some problems on GBPJPY.

the spot from the server  is  13472100  ,and ProtoOASymbol.digits is 3. I know that its real price is 134.721

so , How to convert?    Maybe you can tell me to remove the 2 zeros from the back.

This is obvious,But in this case, I have to do a separate treatment for each currency pair.

And I'm not sure if there is a spot value for a currency pair that is 134721000 9-digit value。

so,Is there any general way to do this conversion?



29 Jul 2019, 09:20

Hi 66281850,

Use spot price * 10^(-Symbol Digits).

Best Regards,




29 Jul 2019, 09:27


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi 66281850,

Use spot price * 10^(-Symbol Digits).

Best Regards,



That's what I thought. But this method is useless for certain currency pairs. For example, GBPJPY, Is it a bug in the spot value of the GBPJPY?

GBPJPY : spot  is   13472100   ,  ProtoOASymbol.digits  is 3,  

  spot price  *10^(-Symbol Digits).   = 13472100 * 0.001= 13472.1


30 Jul 2019, 05:57

I found that all currency pairs related to the yen  and USDHUF  have this problem. Its spot value is always 2 more zeros.

The correct conversion formula should be :

spot -》 double   = spot price  *10^(-(Symbol Digits+2) ).


Is this a server bug?   Either the spot value is wrong or the Symbol.Digits   is wrong?
