Locking an account

Created at 09 Apr 2017, 23:27
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Anka Software

Joined 06.11.2014

Locking an account
09 Apr 2017, 23:27


   Is it possible or is there any Connect / Fix / cAlgo API function available through which an account can be locked, to prevent further trades being accepted?



@Anka Software

10 Apr 2017, 11:06

Hi Anka Software,

No there is no such function available from these APIs and it doesn't make much sense to exist either. Why would someone want to lock his own account?


Anka Software
10 Apr 2017, 12:03


Spotware said:

Hi Anka Software,

No there is no such function available from these APIs and it doesn't make much sense to exist either. Why would someone want to lock his own account?



    Was looking to implement a Risk Manager application, where a Manager can set up a permissable drawn down, which if crossed will close all positions and lock the account and prevent any further orders from going through.





@Anka Software

10 Apr 2017, 12:16

Hi Anka Software,

Account enabling/disabing functionality is only available through our backend application. In this case, since this funtionality is targeted to managers, you will need to use our backend APIs. In order to get access to these APIs, you will need to contact a broker that uses cTrader platform.


Anka Software
10 Apr 2017, 12:21


Spotware said:

Hi Anka Software,

Account enabling/disabing functionality is only available through our backend application. In this case, since this funtionality is targeted to managers, you will need to use our backend APIs. In order to get access to these APIs, you will need to contact a broker that uses cTrader platform.

Ok will contact the brokers for access. However please share the links to your backend API's.

@Anka Software

12 Apr 2017, 22:55

"Anka Software" I fully understand your concern in this matter. The best solution would be if the general API had a function or a method to address this issue, without being directed to a specific broker to handle and to carry out the concerns of risk and money management.
