how to change timezones?
Created at 15 Jul 2016, 12:44
how to change timezones?
15 Jul 2016, 12:44
Due to servers always lagging at 00.00 hours how do i change from UTC + 0 to UTC +1 or + 2?.
changing the bottom here TimeZones.UTC+2 doesnt seem to work.
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class NCStrategyA : Robot
15 Jul 2016, 23:04
coolnck2003 said:
You can use TimeZones.CentralEuropeStandardTime which is equivalent to UTC+2.
If you just type in 'TimeZones.' it should come up with a list of all the possible timezones - there's a short description for each which gives you the equivalent in GMT. From that you should be able to work out which one(s) you need. GMT at the moment is UTC+1.