on position closed problem

Created at 06 Jul 2016, 21:45
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Joined 04.01.2013

on position closed problem
06 Jul 2016, 21:45

Hi All

I need some help I made robot and works great but it makes only one cycle

I found that my code in section: on position closed its wrong

I want to perform 3 tasks on position closed:


1 close all positions

2 cancel all pending orders

3 execute market order(same as on start section) if positions count < 1 (this part doesn`t work at all or robot goes in loop contantly opening and closing positions every tick)



check my code please and advice:


private void OnPositionsClosed(PositionClosedEventArgs args)

            foreach (var position in Positions)
            foreach (var order in PendingOrders)
            if (Positions.Count < 1)
                ExecuteOrder(InitialVolume, GetRandomTradeType());






... Deleted by UFO ...

07 Jul 2016, 12:50

on position closed problem

Thx for your help Lucian

I checked your idea but it doesn`t work as it should - robot logic is changed makes to many orders

I also checked onBar function but its the same results

I think async execution may help but I am trader not programmer no idea how to use it


I managed to move order execution to other cbot and it works perfect

however i cant back test two robots in same time  to adjust settings

if any one has other ideas please help

