How to get Market Sentiment data through API ?

Created at 22 Apr 2016, 15:02
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Joined 22.04.2016

How to get Market Sentiment data through API ?
22 Apr 2016, 15:02

Greeting's, dear SpotWare team and dear community.

I'm interested in using Market Sentiment data in my cBot.

Is there any way for a cBot to get that data stream ?

Or Market Sentiment isn't a part of API yet ?


25 Apr 2016, 17:13

Dear Trader,

Currently, we don't provide users with the ability to access the data of the Market Sentiment. We will consider providing it in the future. Stay tuned.

Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to


17 Aug 2016, 19:25


Spotware said:

Currently, we don't provide users with the ability to access the data of the Market Sentiment. We will consider providing it in the future. Stay tuned.

I'm sorry guys, but after half a year of waiting and hoping it starts getting on my nerves, really.

I can't imagine why it's so hard to implement that feature into API ? Just make it some two days side project or something and finish it already.

There are currently 77 votes in total from users regarding Market Sentiment access.

I'm not actually qualified to judge Spotware developers and coders, but belive me it looks like Spotware team is totaly ignoring this feature request.




01 Mar 2018, 13:06

Is there a progress update on this? I think this would be extremely useful to have available, and some feedback would be appreciated.

Here are the current votes on UserVoice:

I think some sort of response on the progress of this would be appreciated by your community.

On a related note, is there any opportunity to incorporate Trading Central or Autochartist (when made available by the broker) into the API too? Other brokers provide access to this data via API (, but having this available via the cAlgo API would set this product apart from the others available and making it a more attractive option for traders.

I'm a professional C# developer, I understand that implementing API changes is often not as simple as it may seem, but all the community want is feedback so they feel like they're kept in the loop, giving them a sense that they have a stake in the product and further deeping loyalty - this can only be a good thing for cTrader and Spotware.

Thanks for cTrader/cAlgo, it's a great product and I look forward to continue using it in the future.


02 Mar 2018, 17:50

Hi PapaGohan,

We are aware of this request but I will be frank with you, I don't see this coming in the short term. There are requests with bigger demand that are currently our priority like visual backtesting, chart objects and many more. After we deliver them we can start considering this.

We will keep you informed about plans to incorporate this in the future.

Best Regards,


19 Jul 2019, 12:06

Hi Panagiotis,

Now that a year has passed: is there any news here?

Apparently the suggestions have disappeared from the voting board.

Can we assume that this api is not going to happen?

Best regards,


19 Jul 2019, 13:01

Hi Ben,

We do not have plans for this feature yet.

Best Regards,



18 Jan 2020, 22:50


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

We do not have plans for this feature yet.


I would want to access the market sentiment data via API.
Could add this feature to your plans, please?



19 Feb 2020, 22:28

cTrader Market Sentiment formula


When ctrader is showing the market sentiment I am assuming it is using the same data that is being provided in the API through the object MarketDepth.

Is that right? That would mean cTrader is just applying some formula on it.

I am wondering if the below formula is something similar to how cTrader calculates the market sentiment

1. Add all the Volumes*Prices pairs and lets call it AskTotal and BidTotal

2. Multiply the Symbol Bid Price with the total volume of Bids and see the difference from BidTotal

3. Multiply the Symbol Ask Price with the total volume of Asks and see the difference from AskTotal

4. If the difference is higher incase of bids then it is a strong sell sentiment, else it is a buy sentiment

5. It could also keep a track of last x number of entries to get a sense of that timeframe.


Does this concept of market sentiment make any sense.

Please let me know.


