I share my development . I desire to be helpful

Created at 20 Feb 2016, 04:41
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Joined 19.02.2016

I share my development . I desire to be helpful
20 Feb 2016, 04:41


the system will copy this site. In principle was hard to make a profit , and after days of parameter changes and thousands of backtests , I think I managed to find a stable system. who cares , I'll share ! I could not test it on demo because just finished and Saturday .  think that would work ?



20 Feb 2016, 19:44

Those results do not look correct.

Run a backtest using $25 per million and tick data from server, then see what the results are


21 Feb 2016, 12:02

cBots ....


1) Results should meet your expectations not the others (if you do not earn on the cbot why you show it to others Most of these robots is written by those who can not earn on forex (Why give away something that earns good money)).

2) Always set higher commission than the minimum.

3) Calgo cheating in making the position limit slippage.

4) Test cbot ontick in short periods of time (for my if the strategy(cbot) does not make money week to week is poor [In each week you can earn more than 100% or lose all your capital !!! ]).

5) Set on real account and show ressults dont show backtests on demo accounts.



21 Feb 2016, 12:13

RE: cBots ....

mindbreaker said:


1) Results should meet your expectations not the others (if you do not earn on the cbot why you show it to others Most of these robots is written by those who can not earn on forex (Why give away something that earns good money)).

2) Always set higher commission than the minimum.

3) Calgo cheating in making the position limit slippage.

4) Test cbot ontick in short periods of time (for my if the strategy(cbot) does not make money week to week is poor [In each week you can earn more than 100% or lose all your capital !!! ]).

5) Set on real account and show ressults dont show backtests on demo accounts.


6) Practically every month and for most of symbol price increase or decrease 500 Pips  (It is from 1% to 500% Only you need set and hold position).


21 Feb 2016, 12:22 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

cBots .... and forex

In this month i lose 95%(from 100 000$ to 15000$) of my capital in one week and then earn in two days from 15 000$ to 98 000$ (980%) in one 500 Pips.  It is possible :) of course on demo account in the contest whitout cbots.


21 Feb 2016, 12:23


mindbreaker said:

In this month i lose 85%(from 100 000$ to 15000$) of my capital in one week and then earn in two days from 15 000$ to 98 000$ (980%) in one 500 Pips.  It is possible :) of course on demo account in the contest whitout cbots.




21 Feb 2016, 12:41

gracias por compartir su experiencia.
debe comprobar el backtesting.
Veo que el momento de la entrada es idendique a la hora de salida.
esperanza j 'para usted que n no es un error ..
pero tal vez que soy yo el que no ha entendido ....
buen trabajo ...


21 Feb 2016, 12:54 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


balance/equity chart,

only one position open in the same time. maybe leater i set list of positions with open and close prices.

Nice day.


