Crashed in OnStart

Created at 06 Feb 2016, 00:29
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Joined 26.01.2016

Crashed in OnStart
06 Feb 2016, 00:29


I have wrote a cbot using some custom indicators..

After i built the cbot i am able to run a backtest on it.. 

However whenever i try to change "ANY" value in the code the bot stops working and throws back a message of  " Crashed in OnStart with ArgumentException: Incorrect parameters count. Parameter name: parameterValues "

I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong in the custom indicators.. even if i change back the code to the previous "working" version it will still keep giving the same error unless i completely delete the bot and re-add it to clago!!!!

This is wierd, i have built dozens of bots and this is the first time i see such an error!


HELP.. Please!


09 Feb 2016, 14:27

Dear Trader,

Could you please send us your code, cAlgo Journal, log(with all events) to and describe us the steps to reproduce your issue? 

They will be used only for troubleshooting purposes. The cAlgo Journal is located at: 




06 Feb 2020, 20:07 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

My Algo`s where working in 3.6 and now they do not, and don`t ask for my Algo. what changes have they done to the cAlgo code?


07 Feb 2020, 08:05

Hi w.b.z,

Unfortunately without a code sample to reproduce the problem we cannot determine what is the reason of the exception.

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07 Feb 2020, 11:15


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi w.b.z,

Unfortunately without a code sample to reproduce the problem we cannot determine what is the reason of the exception.

Best Regards,


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So, you are telling me, that you're guys do not know what you have changed in the cAlgo code from 3.6 to 3.7, that could produce such an error, crash on start of Optimization. hmm.. Interesting..


07 Feb 2020, 11:22

Hi w.b.z,

No what we are saying is that we have changed a lot of things and we cannot guess which one is affecting your code unless we know what caused the exception. We have already identified some issues reported by other users but we don't know if it is the same issue affecting you as well or something else. 

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07 Feb 2020, 12:36


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi w.b.z,

No what we are saying is that we have changed a lot of things and we cannot guess which one is affecting your code unless we know what caused the exception. We have already identified some issues reported by other users but we don't know if it is the same issue affecting you as well or something else. 

Best Regards,


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Do you have a list of points that could cause this problem some where, so my coder can go trough them and check?


08 Feb 2020, 18:29


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi w.b.z,

No what we are saying is that we have changed a lot of things and we cannot guess which one is affecting your code unless we know what caused the exception. We have already identified some issues reported by other users but we don't know if it is the same issue affecting you as well or something else. 

Best Regards,


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ok, where can I send my code, to check?



10 Feb 2020, 08:26

Hi w.b.z,

You can send it at

Best Regards,


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