"Fair stop out level", "commission" and "swap"

Created at 04 Jan 2016, 01:47
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Joined 10.03.2015

"Fair stop out level", "commission" and "swap"
04 Jan 2016, 01:47

Does anyone know if there are properties available in cAlgo to retrieve the "Fair stop out level", "commission" and "swap" rates?

I know it can be retrieved by a work around like retrieving this data from an earlier closed position, but is not the best practise i my opinion to retrieve this data.

If not available, could this be made available f.e in the Account interface?

Thanks in advance;


04 Jan 2016, 03:08

Dear Trader,

Currently there is no such method to return any of the values you mentioned. We will consider implementing such methods in the future. Stay tuned.

Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to http://vote.spotware.com/

