Access to Different Brokers Market Depth

Created at 29 Oct 2015, 21:59
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Joined 07.06.2015

Access to Different Brokers Market Depth
29 Oct 2015, 21:59

hello, I try to download all the versions of Calgo of three brokers to get them market Depth and sum it all in one In order to achieve that I download each version from the brokers pages but when I ran the robot to write the data i visualize that the robot was copy in the other versions of  CAlgo then I asked FxPro about it and they told me the market depth is different from others brokers can you tell me what is the problem Why i cant run a robot in different versions of Calgo ? 


30 Oct 2015, 07:04

Dear Trader,

Many Brokers have the same version of cAlgo. You could check the cAlgo version by expanding the Help menu and selecting the "About cAlgo" field. The "About" window will popup and the version is shown in it. You can run your cBot on cAlgo of different Brokers with the same version.

We are upgrading cAlgo constantly according to the Trader's suggestions and we try to make it simpler. Some Methods used in older versions of cAlgo are obsolete and not available. If users try to use such methods an error will appear with the description that the method they use is obsolete and they should replace it with the newer ... . 
