Order of events?
Order of events?
29 Aug 2015, 00:01
Is there any order of events like "OnTick" and "Positions.Closed"?
Which fires first, guaranteed?
01 Sep 2015, 03:20
Spotware said:
Dear Trader,
Please have a look at the Position events section of our API Programmers Guides and at OnBar vs OnTick section of our cAlgo support site.
Thank you bu I don't ask for the usage of the events.
I'm asking whether they are fired async or sync. It seems to me that the position data comes together packed with tick data and first OnTick() event is fired then Position.Closed event (if there is one in the received packet from the server).
If they are independent of each other and there is no ordering guaranteed I will implement a locking mechanism, that's why I'm asking this question.
I want to know whether they are independent of each other or you're putting them in any order to prevent users to dive into async coding?
01 Sep 2015, 02:02
Dear Trader,
Please have a look at the Position events section of our API Programmers Guides and at OnBar vs OnTick section of our cAlgo support site.