News Robot

Created at 06 Feb 2013, 17:32
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
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MaXeY's avatar


Joined 06.02.2013

News Robot
06 Feb 2013, 17:32



1st thanks for sharing this EA, am still testing on demo i have a note.. can you please ADD Trailing Stop option on the robot.



06 Feb 2013, 23:24

MaXeY said:



1st thanks for sharing this EA, am still testing on demo i have a note.. can you please ADD Trailing Stop option on the robot.


Unfortunatelly I am not going to add Trailing Stop option to this robot.

Anyway, please redownload the robot. There are some improvements.


11 Feb 2013, 22:38

News Robot

please can you tell me how to add news robot  after download , i have downloaded it but i was not be able to add it , please i need your help .


13 Feb 2013, 11:49

RE: News Robot
tilo10 said:

please can you tell me how to add news robot  after download , i have downloaded it but i was not be able to add it , please i need your help .

see: /forum/cbot-support/469
