GetTicks() gives only 200 ticks in backtesting mode — how to get more?

Created at 10 Mar 2024, 15:07
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Joined 12.12.2022

GetTicks() gives only 200 ticks in backtesting mode — how to get more?
10 Mar 2024, 15:07

I am implementing a method to calculate Maximum Favorable Excursion (MFE). To achieve that I need all ticks from time of opening position to closing position, so I can see where the price moved in between. As seen below, when calling

var ticks = marketData.GetTicks(ht.SymbolName)

I get only 200 last ticks so it will not cover my desired time period even when position was opened and closed on the same day. 

How to get more ticks? Or maybe it is because this is backtesting running mode?

I have searched the documentation and forum. This topis was discussed but I didn't found exact answer.


11 Mar 2024, 08:46

Hi there,

At the moment it is not possible. Such an option will be added in a future update. In the meanwhile, the workaround is to let the backtesting run without doing anything, until enough ticks are loaded.

Best regards,

