Help me fix this code
Help me fix this code
11 Oct 2023, 05:25
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
using cAlgo.API.Responses;
using System;
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
public class MartingaleRandomTrader : Robot
private double initialLotSize = 0.02;
private double lotSize = 0.02;
private double maxLotSize = 0.08;
private double stopLossPips = 50;
private double takeProfitPips = 100;
private Random random = new Random();
protected override void OnStart()
Positions.Opened += OnPositionOpened;
private void OnPositionOpened(PositionOpenedEventArgs args)
// Check if the position was opened by the robot
if (args.Position.Label.Contains("MartingaleRandomTrader"))
if (args.Position.Pips < 0)
// The position is in a loss
if (lotSize < maxLotSize)
// Double the lot size
lotSize *= 2;
// Maximum lot size reached, revert to the initial lot size
lotSize = initialLotSize;
// The position hit the take profit, so we can open a new random trade
private void ExecuteRandomTrade()
var randomDirection = random.Next(2) == 0 ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell;
var randomEntryPrice = Symbol.Ask + Symbol.PipSize * random.Next(1, 20) * (randomDirection == TradeType.Buy ? 1 : -1);
var request = new MarketOrderRequest
Symbol = Symbol,
TradeType = randomDirection,
Volume = lotSize,
Label = "MartingaleRandomTrader",
StopLossPips = stopLossPips,
TakeProfitPips = takeProfitPips,
PositionType = PositionType.Intraday,
EntryPrice = randomEntryPrice
11 Oct 2023, 07:52
( Updated at: 11 Oct 2023, 12:16 )
RE: Help me fix this code
PanagiotisChar said:
What exactly do you need to fix it
It error cannot run on ctrader but I don’t know how to fix it
11 Oct 2023, 12:25
The cBot is referencing an unknown library called using cAlgo.API.Responses;
If you did not develop this, you should talk to the developer
11 Oct 2023, 06:56 ( Updated at: 11 Oct 2023, 07:00 )
What exactly do you need to fix?