How to get cTrader current language

Created at 09 Feb 2023, 09:06
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Joined 05.01.2023

How to get cTrader current language
09 Feb 2023, 09:06


Is there a way to get language cTrader is set to from cBot code? I need it for localization purposes

Obvious place - CurrentCulture is my PC setting and not cTrader, and CurrentUICulture is always en-US (but things like MessageBox show buttons in correct cTrader localization)

And I don't see anything similar within Robot interface

Thank you


29 May 2023, 06:08

@PanagiotisChar? Anyone?


29 May 2023, 09:22


No need to tag us on every discussion :) If we haven't replied then probably we can't help. As far as I know this information is not available via the API

Aieden Technologies

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29 May 2023, 09:30


PanagiotisChar said:


No need to tag us on every discussion :) If we haven't replied then probably we can't help. As far as I know this information is not available via the API

Aieden Technologies

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Well there you go @PanagiotisChar. Now that you've responded to this one you've just helped since nobody else seems to have known :-)

PS: I only tag you since you have all the insider info and knowledge about the product, or at least more than us regular joe-schmoes do :-)


29 May 2023, 09:36


It's pointless for me to respond on every post and say that I don't know the answer or say with certainty that something is not possible if I am not 100% sure it is not :). For sure this info is not available in the API but there could be a workaround I didn't think of. So I leave the thread open for other to help, in case they have some ideas. 

Aieden Technologies

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